My Mission

My passion in life is health and well-being. My mission is to help you improve yours, supporting you through diet and lifestyle changes towards effective, realistic, and sustainable goals.

Who I help

I have over 2 decades of experience successfully managing a wide range of health conditions, and supporting a diverse range of people of all ages. My specialities include gut health, autoimmunity and chronic illness.

How I help

I work closely with you to provide realistic personalised nutrition and lifestyle solutions. My recommendations are based on the latest available scientific and clinical evidence, often using cutting-edge lab testing to identify the root causes of symptoms.

As an experienced educator, I promise to provide you with the knowledge to understand why the condition has manifested, and what you can do to reclaim control of your health.

Why I help

At a time when I had almost given up hope, Nutrition improved my life beyond my expectations.

By the time I arrived at university to begin my undergraduate studies, I had abandoned all hopes of finding a solution to my chronic health problems. Since childhood I had struggled with gut pains so debilitating that they caused me to faint. This had made me extremely anxious about travelling. Furthermore, I had developed a fearful relationship with food. My chronic eczema resulted in huge lesions all over my body, which saw me covering up in the height of summertime to avoid alarmed stares. I had also developed chronic asthma which prevented me from walking any significant distance, a prospect now unheard of given my passion for long-distance rambling. However, the worst part of this situation was the helplessness that I felt - the lack of answers as to why I was suffering so badly, and why I couldn’t seem to get well. My parents spent a small fortune on appointments with expert consultants which included deeply invasive and unpleasant exploratory procedures. Needless to say, all of this impacted significantly on my teenage self-esteem. And yet the only diagnosis I was ever offered was: "you have 'IBS’ – you just have to live with this."

With all of that money and time spent on experts, I reluctantly accepted this outcome. How was I to know that a simple dietary adjustment was to be the solution to my problems?

As a student living away from home I decided to make some dietary changes. Although they were not health-motivated, I quickly discovered that the removal of a food was powerful enough to initiate the changes that my body needed to heal and repair. It seemed odd that the many specialists my parents had consulted with had not mentioned diet as a causal factor, which was curious considering that my primary issues were gastrointestinal in origin. What this revealed was a huge gap in the available healthcare knowledge at the time. I then made it my mission to learn more about the science of nutrition and its impact on the body, with a view to passing that knowledge onto others. And I haven’t stopped since.

During my time tutoring in nutrition and integrated health management, I continue to encounter other individuals with very similar stories to my own. Often feeling at a loss for answers, these people are keen to learn more about the powerful effects of nutrition on their health. It seems that there are still a lot of people out there who have fallen through the gaps of conventional healthcare.

Over the past 2 decades, I’ve witnessed the practice of nutritional therapy develop at an inexorable pace, and it shows little sign of stopping. It is so exciting to experience the continual discoveries in nutritional science. The advent of Functional Medicine and the merging of a systems biology approach in nutritional practice continues to contribute to successful nutritionally-based healthcare. The one thing that hasn’t changed though is how unique each and every single one of us is. Now thanks to greater sophistication in testing methods, it has become easier to identify and target areas of concern helping us move towards a speedier more efficient route to better health.

To me, nutritional therapy is more than just a job. It’s a vocation. I can’t think of anything better than helping people make the right choices to improve their health. I’m looking forward to helping you improve yours.

Online Nutrition and Pilates

My four promises to you

I promise to:


Systematically investigate and address the root causes of your condition.


Provide education so that you understand why the condition has manifested and what you can do to improve your health.


Respect your unique circumstances and work at a pace that suits you.


Offer you an empowering and fascinating journey into the connection between food, environment, lifestyle and health.

Are you ready to take that step towards better health?

If you’d like to know more, please book a free 15-minute call with me to discuss how we can work together to improve your health